Friday, October 02, 2009

What's the most popular music among Baby Boomers?

Well that's a silly question! There is no such thing because babyboomers go from 1946-1964! It's possible that there could be parent-child duos that are both babyboomers and we know that parents and children rarely like the same music!

However, I know that my group of "older boomers" really likes the Beatles, Motown, and all those groups that were featured on "American Bandstand." So how can that music be healing for us? Well, there is lots of research in the field of music therapy that confirms that when people are in early stages of Alzheimer's and other dementias, the music of their "Courting years" is often the music that they still remember, can sing along with and cheers them up considerably! I've already told me daughters the music that I want to hear if, God forbid, that happens to me.

Here's one of my favorites from my "courting years." Bill Boone, are you listening?

1 comment:

Baby Boomer Girl said...

Dear Alice - I like your broad understanding of what is healing, and I totally agree. 'Healing' is more than just restful, floaty music! (tho that is healing too). Personally, I'm not much into nostalgia so I need music that tells our story today. There was none out there so, being a professional songwriter, I'm thrilled to be writing special new music for baby boomers, that I hope will inspire our generation. You can hear my first track, Baby Boomer Girl, on my My Space page - I won't type the url as this comment will probably just go into your spam filter. The link is to type a slash after the myspace dot com address, then write babyboomergirl1 - that should take you to my song so you can hear it. The lyrics are on my blog - same thing after http:// just type in babyboomergirl dot wordpress dot com. I'm posting lots of other new song lyrics there for boomers. The first song (recorded), is a high-energy rock song, but I also write in many musical styles, depending on the emotions conveyed. I would appreciate hearing what you think about my song - of course I hope you enjoy it! It is available from Amazon, iTunes, eMusic etc, for those who want to invest 99c (all my percentage of the income will go towards funding the recording of my next track!). Warm regards, Baby Boomer Girl, New Zealand.